Sunday, 9 November 2014

DIY Makeup-brush Cleanser

Happy Sunday everyone!

Sunday is always my favourite day of the week. I love to just relax around the house in my pyjamas, watch some documentaries, go for a nice walk, cook some food, and do some preparation for the week ahead. One thing I always do on a Sunday is wash my makeup-brushes, to have them nice and clean for the week ahead. For a long time, I was using store bought brush cleansers, but I was going through them quite fast and therefore the cost was beginning to add up. I became determined to create a simple DIY cleansing method for brushes and I finally have one I'm really happy with. It leaves my brushes soft, clean, and most importantly gets rid of any bacteria and build-up!

Why do we need to clean our brushes and how often should we do it?
This may seem a little obvious to say, but when you use your make-up tools bacteria, oils and dirt will build up on them if they are not cleaned regularly! If you continue to use the same brushes on a daily basis without ever washing them, this bacteria and dirt is getting transferred onto your skin, which can cause breakouts and/or irritation of the skin. I try to clean mine now every two/three days, and with this DIY method it's so simple that you can do it in a few minutes.

DIY Brush cleanser
You only need two ingredients for this, and as they are two of the most common things found in the kitchen, the chances are you already own them!

What you'll need 
Anti-bacterial washing up liquid
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Pour equal measure of the washing up liquid and olive oil onto a plate.
Swirl the brush/beauty blender around the plate.
Massage the liquid into the brush with your fingers and then simply rinse.
Repeat with the same brush until the water runs clear, meaning the brush is completely clean.

After you've washed your brushed, simply squeeze the excess water out of them and leave them lying flat on a towel to dry.

The anti-bacterial washing up liquid will thoroughly clean the brushes and get rid of any bacteria and residue build up. Using olive oil ensures that the bristles will not dry up and are left lovely and conditioned.

Enjoy the rest of your afternoon!

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