Friday 16 May 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar

Before I go on to discuss the benefits of apple cider vinegar for the skin, it is important to note that it is completely different to regular vinegar, which could cause some people major irritation if applied topically!

In recent years, ACV has been gaining in popularity due to its many health benefits, both internally and externally. While this is predominantly a blog about skin health, I feel the need to firstly speak about the amazing capabilities ACV has to cure a number of ailments from the inside out.
Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar as a tonic may not sound very pleasant, but the health benefits you can receive make it very tempting to try.
As a tonic: Add 1-3 tablespoons of ACV to 8 ounces of water. If needed, add some honey to sweeten the mixture. Below are some of the great reasons to give this tonic a try.

For an energy boost/fighting fatigue:
ACV balances our inner body system by helping our insides to maintain a healthy alkaline PH level. Research shows that higher acid levels (lower PH levels) can lead to a lack of energy and higher incidences of infection.
Exercise and stress can cause lactic acid to build up in the body also causing fatigue. The potassium and enzymes found in ACV can relieve this tired feeling. Try adding a tablespoon or two to chilled water.

Tummy troubles:
If your tummy isn't feeling the best, ACV can really help. As it is antibacterial, it will fight any bacterial infections. A healthy gut is also one of the most important things for healthy skin, so when our insides are feeling good, it will really show on the outside.

Great for the lymphatic system:
ACV helps to break up mucous throughout the body and cleanse the lymph nodes. It helps to relieve the symptoms of allergies because of its abilities to reduce mucous and sinus congestion. The next time you feel a cold coming on, or if you suffer from allergies, try drinking a tonic of ACV 1-2 times a day to see if you can feel its benefits.

So, you can now see the multitude of benefits that can result from drinking an ACV tonic, but what about its topical use? 
Believe it or not, ACV works wonders when applied to the skin. I bought this about a year ago, and shied away from putting it near my face for a long time. I really couldn't understand how it wouldn't irritate the skin. But let me tell you that once I started using it, I never looked back! 

The benefits of ACV applied to the skin
  • Balances the PH levels of the skin
  • Reduces inflammation, making it ideal for use on skin that suffers from blemishes or psoriases
  • Draws out toxins from the skin, leaving it toned and moisturised
  • Fades a number of things on the skin, such as age spots, hyperpigmentation or scars.
  • Evens out skin tone
How to apply ACV to the skin
  • The trick with using this is to start off by using a very diluted mixture on the skin. I like to pour one small cap-full into a bowl, followed by about seven cap-fulls of water. The amount of water in the mixture should be significantly higher than the ACV.
  • Make sure skin is cleansed well before applying the mixture. I like to do a cleanse with Jojoba Oil and then pat the skin dry.
  • Take a cotton pad and soak it in the ACV mixture. Massage this in all over your face. You may feel a slight tingling but this is perfectly normal and actually feels quite nice! If you feel a stinging sensation, your mixture is too strong and needs more water - rinse off immediately to prevent irritation.
  • The first few times you use this, you can leave the ACV on your face for 5-15 mins and then rinse off. As your skin gradually gets used to the mixture each time you use it, you can leave it on for longer, or even just allow it to completely soak in and follow with a moisturiser/oil.
  • You may also find that as your skin gets used to the ACV, you can use a slightly stronger mix.
  • Obviously ACV can smell quite strong when initially applied, so I avoid using this in my morning skincare regime. But it's perfectly suitable for night time.
The great thing about Apple Cider Vinegar is that is extremely affordable. The bottle is generally very big, and considering you only need a tiny bit at a time, it should last you a very long time. You can buy it online from The Health Food Store for only €4.09. But really you should be able to find it for a low price in any health food store. Just made sure it's organic, and free from heat treatment and pasteurisation!


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